The EventBridge history

Frank de Groof with the EventBridge logo

EventBridge was founded in 2013 by Frank de Groof. In 2009 he witnessed how a Bailey bridge was being built. This is a professional bridge with which free spans of up to 60 meters can be accomplished. However, enormous quantity of elements and work required to build this pedestrian bridge led to  the conception of the idea for the EventBridge company.

The first major innovation in 70 years

A truss bridge (Bailey or Callender-Hamilton bridge) already proves its use since 1943. Its versatility and flexibility ensure that this type of bridge is still used a lot in both military and civilian applications. There is a drawback to this versatility and flexibility, though. This flexibility requires a lot of logistical preparatory work and many working hours, during construction. Secondly, parts are also not optimised for compact transportation.

The absolute best in versatility and flexibility is the scaffolding bridge, which is built using scaffolding, or a continued development of that. Scaffolding is used all over the world, and it has an impressively extensive history, too. The current system, using round steel pipes, was introduced in 1944, or thereabout. Because that kind of bridge often requires construction at the intended location, and because it consists of many individual components, installing a scaffolding bridge is a very laborious and error-prone undertaking.

A huge improvement in efficiency

Using this knowledge, De Groof began the development stage: how could the many potential options within the market for pedestrian bridges be used? The mission became making mobile bridges available to a bigger target audience, thus improving the safety and the flow during events and infrastructural projects.

During the development stage, speed was considered to be important. With a construction time of three hours and a minimum in logistical preparatory work, we managed to take very big steps here. Because the bridge was developed from scratch, during the design stage more advantages emerged. Assembling the bridge at ground level has an extra positive effect on crew safety; because there is a minimal need to work at height.

From speed to aesthetics

While designing our bridge, we did not only consider the use of labour, materials and means. Aesthetics were taken into account, so an EventBridge bridge has a sleek, yet robust appearance. Besides that, the arched shape of our bridges make for a gracious and recognisable shape. Therefore, we believe that makes the world just a little more beautiful…

Extended EventBridge in Gent Belgium



Monday 29 July 2019

The organisation of the Boston Marathon came up with an […]

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Monday 29 July 2019

EventBridge places a virtual bridge on InfraTech in Ahoy, Rotterdam […]

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